استكشاف الفرص المتعلقة بالسياسات للحكومات ومسؤولي القطاع الصحي والشركات العاملة في قطاع الصحة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا.
Inequality in Cancer Care is Costing Lives
The Swedish Institute for Health Economics (IHE) and PhRMA MEA announce findings of their key report that explores the cancer care landscape in nine Middle Eastern and African countries.
Clinical Research Drives Health Forward
The Benefits of Clinical Research to the Middle East and North Africa
The World Bank Health Indicators
Provides global average of a wide range of health indicators, such as mortality rate, life expectancy and birth rate.
UAE sets out plan to become major global pharma hub
Country aims to double number of drugs manufacturing factories by 2021, attract more pharma firms.
A Call for Private Investment in Gulf Health Care
[Sara Hamdan] With soaring health care costs and the consequent additional burden on state finances, analysts say governments of countries within the Gulf Cooperation Council must actively encourage private-sector investment to relieve excessive dependence on public finances, improve the quality of treatment and promote competition within the medical sector.
45 Million Egyptians to Benefit from Improvements to the Public Health System
The World Bank announced today a new US$530 million project to support Egypt’s national goal of improving public healthcare, including expanding family planning services, scaling up its groundbreaking Hepatitis C program and supporting the new Universal Health Insurance System.
Past, Present, And Future Of Global Health Financing: A Review Of Development Assistance, Government, Out-Of-Pocket, And Other Private Spending On Health For 195 Countries, 1995–2050
The Lancet’s Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network. Analysis of past, present and predicted future health spending for 195 countries and territories. The report broadly characterizes global health spending, with an emphasis on equity in spending across countries.
Health Care in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A Review of Challenges and Opportunities
[Cureus] This study was undertaken to review the health care status in the GCC member states, and explore current challenges and future opportunities.
Youth: MENA’s Future Wealth
[International Monetary Fund] The Arab region, defined as the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan (MENAP) has the second youngest population in the world, after Sub-Saharan Africa. More than 60 percent of its population is under the age of 30.
Jordan – Protecting Intellectual Property
[Export.gov] Provides advice on IPR protection, including information on the registration of patents and trademarks.
Health Trends in the Middle East and North Africa
[USAID] Review of trends in health financing and the private health sector.
Country Cooperation Strategy at a Glance: Egypt
[World Health Organization] Egypt’s new Constitution 2014 strongly addresses health as a fundamental human right and declares commitment to covering the whole population with quality health services.
Healthcare in Egypt
[Allianz Care] The Egyptian healthcare system consists of two sectors: public and private. In general, the public healthcare system is of a low standard due to a lack of funding and poor staffing levels.
Deloitte: $10 Trillion Health Care Costs in 2022
Deloitte Consulting expects healthcare spending reaches $ 10 trillion in 2022, representing more than 10 percent of global GDP.
The Health Council Adopts the National Plan for the Development of Quality and Patient Safety in the Health Sectors
Saudi health Council approves, in its 86th meeting, the national plan to develop the quality and safety standards. The plan was set by Saudi Health Council’s General-Secretarial.
MENASAT Announces the Launch of its First Healthcare Business Accelerator
Monshaat launched, in partnership with Ministry of Health, a first health business accelerator to encourage and support entrepreneurship and innovation in the health sector.
Launch of the “Health” Strategy for Innovation 2019-2021 – Arabic
UAE Health Ministry launches new strategy for health care innovation. This step will support the concept of innovation in the society.
Dubai Health Authority Launches Health Innovation Center
Dubai Health Authority (DHA) established Health Innovation Center to support initiatives and goals, in line with Dubai’s future aspirations. The new step will lead to enhance the quality of life for citizens.
UAE Sets Out Plan to Become Major Global Pharma Hub
Country aims to double number of drugs manufacturing factories by 2021, attract more pharma firms.
The Government Inaugurates the Comprehensive Health Insurance System- Arabic
The Egyptian Government inaugurated the National Health Insurance Project in Bur Saeed as a first Egyptian city witness the launch of health insurance services.
Healthcare Resource Guide: United Arab Emirates
[Export.gov] The creation of a world-class healthcare infrastructure is a top priority for the government of the UAE and, as a result, the sector has advanced and expanded significantly during the past few years.